Le projet Erasmus +

Catégorie : Les activités réalisées
Publication : mardi 23 February 2016 12:59
Écrit par barral
Affichages : 1083

The ERASMUS project

offers pupils the opportunity to discover European countries


During the next two years, teachers will exchangetheir working methods and pupils will sharetheir cultures and experiences.


French pupils will visit Germany, England, Portugal, Poland and Latvia

 and next year (May 14th to May 20th) our partners will come to our school.


The title of this project is: "LIFE INCLUSIVE! EUROPEAN PARTICIPATION IN LABOUR AND LEISURE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILLITIES." The students participating are special needs students(SEN). It will help them finding jobs later on and developing their leisures.


This project will facilitate the students’ transition into the "working world”. All partners consider new solutions and options for integration. Teachers and students will use modern learning techniques such as video conference, video making, emails, Powerpoints, Etwinning chats…


In each country, learning activities will take place such as creating/using self made travel guides for people with disabilities. Furthermore, they will meet employers who will show them different aspects of working. The students will work together around projects. They will develop art objects, present themselves to audiences and websites, share ideas and perspectives in English.


The teachers will be Mrs.Legrand (English teacher), Mrs.Lethier (specialized teacher) , Mr.Berruyer ( P.E teacher), Mr Barral (English teacher), Mrs Donadu (teacher workshop), Mrs Galuppo (teacher workshop), Mrs Sastre ( specialized teacher), Mrs Germain (school life assistant)


Even though this project is mainly for students in difficulty other classeslike ours will participate. For example we will act as reporters, like we are doing right now.

Thanks to the investment of teachers, special needs students and other classes involved into the project, further staff, school communities and regional partners: it is a real SCHOOL PROJECT!


 As an example: the SEN class  and our class will work on "How to act in an airport" (airport vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and dialogue) Like that we will be able to train the students who are going to London soon. We will pretend to work in "check in desks", "customs", "duty free shops», «security desks", and the pupils leaving will be customers leaving for London!


 Participating in an ERASMUS+ project is a very rare opportunity!






Reports, interviews and pictures will follow!

Thank You


Article written in English by Roux Elisa and Biondini Marina (3°4 and 5) after having read the French version.


Ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la Commission Européenne. Cette communication n’engage que son auteur et la Commission n’est pas responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.